For the successful implementation of the projects it implements, the company “SALILLARI shpk” has pursued a constant investment policy for the continuous strengthening of the fleet of vehicles and excavation. It is precisely this great power that we have at our disposal, which enables us to be in high quotas in the labor market.
The transport vehicles are mainly Mercedes brand, products of recent years and with carrying and transport capacities from 1.5 tons to 40 tons.
The machines and excavators are mainly Caterpillar brand, of different sizes and capable of working in all conditions and terrains.

The company has in its inventory about 450 technical units of different types. Technical services and repairs of all our vehicles are performed with a closed cycle by the company “SALILLARI shpk”. Also, the company “SALILLARI shpk” has: “Authorization for Approval of the Office of Analog and Digital Tachograph in Road Transport”:
Based on the application of the company “SALILLARI shpk”, for the approval of the tachograph office, submitted in accordance with Instruction no. 4, dated 27.05.2014, inspection carried out by Order of the Minister of Infrastructure and Energy no. 290, dated 13.10.2020 decides:
Holder of this authorization,
Name of the natural or legal person: Company “SALILLARI shpk”,
Address: Old Road Vore-Marikaj, km. l, building 4, no.5 Vora
Administrator: Lulzim Salillari
a) For the approval as the office (technical center) of all operations in analog tachograph and digital tachograph.
b) To perform all operations on the analog tachograph
c) To perform the following operations on digital tachographs:
installation, activation, calibration, according to the conditions set in the Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 1054, dated 22.12.2010 “On the approval of the regulation on registration equipment in road transport” and Instruction no. 04 dated 27.05.2014 “On technical requirements and operating standards of the authorized office (technical center) of the tachograph”.